Great article and congrats on it being published. Comparing anxiety and pain definitely makes sense and you don’t want either at the controls of one’s life!!

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Can’t wait to see this, I loved the first one!

“Chronic pain can do this too, becoming the center of our journey, disrupting our life path, our relationships, and who we are. Both anxiety and pain have robbed me at times of feeling like my true self. Riley experiences the same with Anxiety.”

6 years on from waking up to what I knew to be true (taking me on some journey) and I’m the wellest I’ve ever been in my entire adult life. I’m also the truest to myself that I’ve ever been and I can’t help but wonder at the correlation between the 2!?!

I wonder if part of this whole horrifying experience is to redirect us to the truth of who we really are. Not who we’ve been conditioned to be or think we should be. As deeply complex as misunderstood as it is for sure but there has to be something in it.

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Wow. Love this 🫶🏼

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100 percent agree! Getting real with one’s self has to be foundational to healing physically and emotionally.

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